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Thursday 3 October 2013

Key Thinkers in Modern Liberalism

John Rawls:

  • American academic and political philosopher.
  • A Theory of Justice (1970) is often regarded as the greatest political philosophy written since WWII. Influenced modern liberal and social democratic thought.
Used a form of social contract theory to reconcile individualism with social justice and economic redistribution. "Justice as fairness" is based on the belief that behind the "veil of ignorance" (not knowing your social position and circumstance) most people would favour two basic principles: (1) the liberty of each person should be compatible with a like liberty of all, and (2) that social inequality should only exist if it works to the benefit of the poorest of society. Universalist ideas changed over time.

Writings: A Theory of Justice (1970) and Political Liberalism (1993)

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